These frequently asked questions (FAQ) elaborate on Dr Jacques du Toit's orthopaedic services.
Dr du Toit is more than happy to communicate with patients telephonically or via email. Due to his clinical work and surgical schedule, it is not always possible to do this in a timely manner and your patience in this regard is appreciated. Dr du Toit will return your call or respond to your email within a 7 day period. Dr du Toit does not do telephonic/email consultations. Please also feel free to ask or discuss matters with our practice clinical staff as they may be able to provide you with feedback and assistance with your questions in a timelier manner.
If it is an urgent matter, please do not email Dr du Toit but rather contact the office directly or immediately visit your nearest hospital emergency department for assistance after hours.
Dr du Toit provides specific wound care instructions to ensure you heal well and return to your daily activities. Kindly note wound care depends on whether you have absorbable sutures that heal and disappear without removal or non-absorbable sutures (metal skin clips) that the doctor removes during a follow-up appointment.
You need to ensure you keep the wound dressing with the same bandage used at the hospital. Should the dressing slide off, you need to disinfect the area and apply a similar dressing. Keep the area dry and sterile even when showering. Don’t let any water get near the site.
Even after applying the general care rules such as rest, elevation, and taking prescribed pain medication, a swollen and painful limb must be seen immediately. In addition, contact Dr du Toit if you notice any discharge from the operative site.
Leave your cast or splint as is, and do not remove it. Also, do not apply any weight to the affected limb unless shown and instructed to do so with the aid of assistive devices (crutches/walker) by Dr du Toit and the rehabilitation team.
While you are recovering, the Dr du Toit will also refer you to a physiotherapist/biokineticist or occupational therapist to aid in your rehabilitation at home.
Please bring the following documents with you for your first consultation:
- referral letter from your doctor,
- reports of all procedures and investigations performed,
- identity card,
- medical aid card,
- new patient agreement form,
- new patient past medical and surgical information form.